Diversity guidelines

The starting point is that FOREX should be a workplace where everyone has the same conditions and where there is no discrimination or harassment. FOREX shall be a workplace characterized by diversity with the prerequisites to take advantage of the creativity and strength that arises from the interaction between differences.

Working with diversity and equality is not only a question of fairness, but is also about seeing the employee, making use of resources and skills and creating the conditions to develop these in the best way. The work must be beneficial both for the employee and for FOREX.

FOREX customers today are characterized by a high degree of diversity. We see the fact that there is also a relatively large diversity among FOREX employees, with different nationalities, backgrounds, education, language skills and cultural competence, as a success factor. FOREX intends to continue to exploit the potential this entails for the business. With an active diversity work, FOREX strives to reach new markets and further improve service and treatment towards existing and new customers.

In both external and internal recruitment, FOREX shall strive for as even a distribution as possible by, for example, encouraging underrepresented genders and nationalities to apply to us. We must also be clear in the recruitment process, e.g. on an external career page/recruitment page, that FOREX is a company that works for equality and diversity.

Each manager is responsible for following the internal instructions and procedures that exist in the area and for conducting goal-oriented work regarding gender equality and diversity in collaboration with employees and union representatives.

Guidelines for recruitment to the management body

FOREX's owners in the form of the Annual General Meeting appoint FOREX's Board of Directors and are therefore ultimately responsible for the composition of the Board of Directors and its suitability. The Annual General Meeting appoints a Nomination Committee that is responsible for the preparation of the Meeting's resolutions regarding the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee takes into account the Policy regarding suitability assessments of the Board of Directors and of the CEO and responsible for the payment services business, as well as the owners' views on the suitability of the Board.

The suitability assessment must take into account the person's competence, experience, reputation, judgment and integrity.

When assessing experience, both practical and theoretical experience must be taken into account. When assessing theoretical experience, special attention is paid to the level and focus of the education and whether it has to do with financial operations, customer and service management, marketing or other relevant areas.

The member must have such personal qualities and demonstrate such integrity and such judgment that the conditions exist for him or her to be able to contribute effectively to the work of the Board.

Guidelines for diversity in the management body

FOREX works actively to ensure that the board is composed of people of different ages, with different genders and different backgrounds. The Board of Directors currently achieves the diversity target, which means, among other things, that the proportion of both women and men on the Board of Directors shall exceed 40% at all times.

The Chairman of the Board is responsible for conducting an annual competence inventory of the Board in order to create a basis for the suitability assessment of the Board as a collective. The suitability assessment aims to ensure that the Board's overall competence and experience correspond to the estimated needs based on FOREX's strategy, the payment service business and assessed future external conditions.

A more detailed presentation of the members of the Board, their background and other assignments can be found under the tab Organization.

The Chairman of the Board is responsible for ensuring that the FOREX Board identifies the areas of knowledge and experience that are essential for the work of the Board of Directors of FOREX, at least annually. This identification shall be made in the light of the decided strategy and any changes in the regulatory environment or in other external conditions. An inventory of the Board members' competence levels with regard to identified areas is carried out. The results will be compiled into a competence matrix.

The competency matrix is used to determine the training needs of the board. It also forms the basis for the Nomination Committee in connection with the recruitment of new members and in the suitability assessment of the Board of Directors as a whole.

The CEO is responsible for the day-to-day management of FOREX's affairs in accordance with the guidelines and instructions issued by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors has adopted a Policy regarding suitability assessments of the Board of Directors and of the CEO and the person responsible for the payment services business, which establishes the framework for the processes to be applied for suitability assessments of the Board of Directors, the CEO and the person responsible for the payment services business.